Other medicines and practices that I work with …

Rapé and Sananga.

Other medicines that I work with are Rapé and Sananga. Both are sacred indigenous medicines from the Amazon as well that I use either before or after and sometimes during a kambo ceremony.

Rapé (pronounced ha-peh) is a sacred plant medicine used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest. This powerful, finely ground powder is made from a blend of a wild, natural tobacco called Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) and other medicinal plants, carefully prepared and ceremonial administered through the nose. Traditionally, rapé is used to clear the mind, sharpen focus and facilitate spiritual healing and connection. It is believed to cleanse energies, open spiritual channels and bring clarity to emotions and thoughts. As a natural tool for grounding and meditation, rapé helps align the body, mind, and spirit with a deeper sense of purpose and balance. It is important to work intentionally with this medicine, to connect with the powerful spirit of tobacco in prayer and gratitude and set a personal intention before blowing it in the nostrils.

Sananga is a potent plant medicine derived from the roots and bark of the Tabernaemontana shrub, traditionally used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Applied as eye drops, Sananga is known for its powerful cleansing and healing properties, both physically and spiritually. It is believed to sharpen vision, not only in the physical sense but also in the energetic and emotional realms, helping individuals gain clarity and insight into their life's path. Sananga is often used in ceremonies to clear negative energies, enhance focus, and deepen spiritual connection, promoting overall balance and well-being. For me it is one of the best teachers to learn how to surrender fully. In the beginning it can often be uncomfortable as a burning sensation arises, but the more we focus on our breath and surrender to the sensations the more it helps us align energetically and physically in our bodies, as Sananga can cleanse our bodies, mind and spirits.


As a level 2 reiki practitioner I also offer energy healing sessions that help you connect with the life force energy, also known as Ki or prana. Reiki services are designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress and facilitate healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Through gentle, hands-on energy work, I channel universal life force energy to help clear blockages and restore balance within your body's energy system. Each session is providing a peaceful and nurturing environment for deep healing and personal transformation and are here to support your journey toward holistic health and harmony.