I serve Kambô because it holds the power to cleanse, renew & reconnect us to the core of who we are while transforming & awakening our body’s own healing abilities.

In each ceremony, I witness people shed the burdens that weigh them down - physically, emotionally & spiritually - and emerge with a new sense of clarity, reconnected with their own inner strength.

Kambô is a sacred gift for the body, mind & soul. Guiding others on this path is my soul’s mission and I am honored to share this ancient medicine with those seeking deep, lasting transformation, health & growth.

How Kambô came to me

The first time I heard of Kambô was in the Amazon jungle of Tarapoto, Peru in December of 2019. I attended a medicine retreat with the Yawanawa people from Brazil where Kambô was offered but it didn’t call me to work with it yet. Instead I got to witness the transformative experiences of the other participants and gained deep respect and humbleness for the power of this natural medicine.

About 8 months later I was going through a breakup from a narcissistic and emotionally abusive connection which left me feeling completely empty and out of balance. In this time and moment I thought to myself “Maybe Kambô could help me heal from this”, already knowing from witnessing others how powerful it can be in transmuting emotional, mental and physical blockages and pain. Shortly after I opened my Facebook and the first thing that popped up was a post from a girl I had met once a few years prior at a festival saying that she’s offering Kambô ceremonies in Berlin now. I knew deep down it was a divine sign and calling, so I immediately reached out to her and arranged an appointment for my first ceremony. I traveled to Berlin shortly after and stayed at a friends house.

The day before my first ceremony I stumbled across a green wooden frog that was waiting for me outside of her house when we wanted to go into town. I’ve heard about frogs showing up in many different ways when the call for Kambô gets louder and this showed it so clearly. At first I wasn’t sure if I could take it, but she told me that people always leave things that they don’t want anymore outside of their houses for others to take. I told myself “if he’s still here later when we come back, then I know it’s meant for me” and of course he was still waiting there when we got back, so I picked him up and he even carried a little message saying “Hello, I come from the Black Forest!”. He’s always with me in my Kambô ceremonies nowadays and protects not only myself, but also my clients through their journeys.

My first ceremony was truly life changing. I purged in every way possible, sitting on the toilet with my bucket in my hands thinking I’m going to die while crying like a baby, experiencing a huge emotional release and an immense relief of dark and heavy energies, grief and sadness. A few minutes later, everything was just FINE. As if someone had turned on a light switch, I felt good, light, cleansed and ready to go home. When I left my practitioners apartment I felt like I was new born and could rip out trees. The strength, clarity, lightness and love I felt for myself, for Kambô and my whole life, including all of the diverse experiences and relationships in the past was something I had never experienced before. It truly transformed and changed me in the best way possible.

The next time I worked with Kambô was beginning of 2021. I had moved to Costa Rica because the whole pandemic situation in Germany was so suppressive and depressing that I needed to escape. When I lived in Costa Rica, my friend Mia, who I had met in the jungle of Tarapoto, came to visit me and told me about a medicine retreat in the mountains of Monte Verde, that we ended up attending together. There, I fell in love with the shaman’s son who happened to be a Kambô practitioner. During the time of our relationship, I sat with Kambô a few times during several retreats and got the opportunity to deepen my connection with the frog, as well as with ayahuasca.

In one ceremony with the Mother the face of the Kambô frog appeared in front of my inner eyes and I felt like it was an invitation and initiation to become his ally and serve others with his medicine. Yet, when my ordinary consciousness set back in after the ceremony a big part of me didn’t feel worthy to serve this sacred medicine and so I told myself all kinds of excuses, that I probably only had this vision because of the connection to my boyfriend and not because it was meant for me. I didn’t feel ready or worthy to serve Kambô and to be honest, I didn’t want to do it either - it felt like a huge responsibility that I just didn’t want to carry at that time and felt like I would never be ready for it either. I was too much in my head about it and overthinking it instead of accepting and following the clear calling. But like with every calling, it doesn’t stop going away when it’s truly meant to be and you cannot escape it because it will continuously show up and follow you until you have no other choice but to surrender and accept it fully.

When we ended our relationship and I was living back in Germany I felt the call to work with Kambô again and was trying to find a practitioner close to my hometown and stumbled across the website of the IAKP. When I searched for practitioners near me I couldn’t find any, but suddenly I felt like a divine energy had taken over my body, guiding my hand on the computer screen towards a section of the website that said “Become a Kambô practitioner”. Next thing I saw was that in 2022, for the very first time, they’re offering the basic practitioner training in Germany and I immediately knew deep in my heart that it was a sign and very clear guidance that this was my path to go. I was planning to attend the course mainly to be able to serve myself, but as soon as I finished the course I’ve had many friends asking about sitting with Kambô with me, so I knew it was time to step up and become the practitioner near me that I initially couldn’t find myself and therefore surrendering to the role and mission of being in service for the frog who had already lead me to this path all along.

In March of 2024 I flew back to the jungle of Perú, this time to Iquitos to meet the frog in person. I lived with and learned from an indigenous family who had been working with Kambô for over 30 years. They’ve been friends with Peter Gorman, who is one of the reasons why Kambô is known in the western world today. Peter Gorman was the first person to initiate scientific research about Kambô in the 80s by providing a stick of the frog medicine to pharmacologist Vittorio Erspamer (who had also discovered the neurotransmitter serotonin). Erspamer succeeded in identifying some of the peptides responsible for the positive effects of Kambô on the human body. In his opinion and words “Kambo contains a fantastic cocktail of peptides with potential medical benefits, unlike any other known amphibian.”

During my time in the jungle I got to deepen my knowledge and connection with the frog and my indigenous family, as well as receive the blessing of the Kambô frog itself to be of service to his medicine. I also got to serve the community of Petrona Isla de Napo Río as my final exam during my jungle training, which was a huge honor to me.

In April of 2024 I also successfully finished my Advanced training with the IAKP, where I learned how to treat more complex cases like autoimmune diseases, cancer, addictions and tailor specific treatment plans for people who would like to come off of antidepressants or other strong medications. I deepened my knowledge in different ways to serve others and learned new methods that are less intense and send you on a beautiful meditative healing journey, without having purgative effects from the medicine.

Learn more about this technique here:

My Space

My ceremonies and treatments will be held in the small town of Lehrte near Hanover in Germany. But don't worry, I am also open to travel to your required destination if needed, just send me an E-Mail with your request.

As someone who has sat in a few medicine spaces myself it is in my best interest to create a comfortable and safe environment for my clients to be able to tap into their own healing while also feeling a bit like home. Before serving in my own place I held the space in a yoga studio in the heart of Hanover, where I also created a peaceful, relaxing environment in the midst of the busy city life and accompanied many clients and small groups through their journey with Kambô, rapé & sananga.

My goal for next year is to create a sacred space in my garden property close by to hold small retreats and women circles with Kambocito, cacao, breathwork, sounbaths, rapé, and other activities in a beautiful natural environment. Sign up for my newsletter below to stay informed whenever that will happen.

My Story

I was born and raised a little outside of the beautiful city of Hanover in Germany. In my early days, my family had a big farm surrounded by forests and fields so that I was blessed to spent a big part of my childhood being surrounded by nature. I remember often laying in the grass of the fields and looking up to the clouds in the sky, exploring the forests around the property and going on horse rides with my twin sister.

I’ve always been a very curious, positive and open-minded person, never really felt like fitting in with society when I got older, questioning and challenging the norm and status quo with my alternative looks and being, constantly trying out new things and wanting to travel the world to see more from early on.

My spiritual journey started early in the summer of 2013 when I experienced my first awakening while living in California for a high school exchange year at 16 years of age and exploring psychedelics and my life has never been the same since.

When I was 18 years old I did a 1-year long internship at a psychiatry, because I was curious to learn more about psychology. I’ve met many interesting people and their stories, as well as their often complex mental illnesses and how they are being treated in our society, often with heavy medications, rarely experiencing a successful treatment or reclaiming their health. This made me realize at an early age that our health care system often focuses on treating symptoms, but not the root cause of the issues and that holistic health care is up to our individual selves to make sure we stay healthy.

This whole experience got me even more curious and question the reality and society I lived in, making me hungry for what else life has to offer on different parts of this planet and traveling more to explore other nations and cultures all around the world. I made it a goal to visit at least one new country every year which I have been able to keep up with since, except during the pandemic in 2020.

During my journey of life I am not only continuously and curiously learning more about different people and parts of the world, but also about the plants, animals and the natural medicines this earth offers, exploring expanded levels of consciousness, witnessing the wisdom of the body and appreciating alternative healing methods. Especially living in the rainforest of Perú and witnessing the nature as the healer and abundant pharmacy for the people who live there has been profoundly inspiring to me. I truly believe that our dear Mother Earth carries everything we truly need for healing ourselves and we got to keep the traditions and knowledge of the shamans and wisdom keepers of this world alive and by serving Kambô and living and learning from indigenous tribes I believe I’m adding a part in doing so ~