What is Kambô?

Kambô is the name given to the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor or Giant Monkey Frog, native to the Amazon rainforest. Indigenous tribes have long used Kambô for it’s physical, emotional & spiritual healing properties.

History & Origins

Kambô has its roots in the indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest, including the Katukina, Matses, and Yawanawá people of Brazil and Peru. Traditionally, Kambô was used for a variety of purposes, including to strengthen the immune system, increase stamina for hunting and treat physical ailments like snake bites, malaria and fever. It is also believed to clear the so-called „Panema“, which describes a state of negative energy, bad luck, or blockage that affects a person's well-being, both mentally and physically. It is believed to manifest as a lack of motivation, fatigue, confusion, illness, or a series of misfortunes that can weigh down a person's spirit.

The name "Kambô" comes from the spirit of the frog itself, which is revered by these tribes as a powerful protector and healer. The ritual is often passed down through generations and remains an integral part of the tribes’ spiritual and healing practices today.

click here to read the legend of kampu

Image Artist: Nico Rosenfeld

Scientific Breakdown

From a scientific perspective, Kambô’s effects are attributed to a range of bioactive peptides found in the frog's secretion.

Vittorio Erspamer, an Italian pharmacologist and chemist, first studied the secretion of Kambô scientifically in a lab which has shown the chemical makeup of Kambo to contain short chains of amino acids, or peptides, which align with human physiology to assist the body’s healing process. These peptides in the secretion enter the body through the lymphatic system, producing various effects, encouraging the body to perform a multitude of tasks for detoxification, activation of the lymphatic and endocrine systems, adrenal glands and the body’s natural immune/defense system.

Some of the key peptides include:

  • Bombesins: Significantly influence digestive health by stimulating hydrochloric acid secretion, enhancing pancreatic function, modulating intestinal activity and improving nutrient absorption, leading to optimal digestion metabolism and overall well-being.

  • Phyllokinin and Phyllomedusin: Act as potent vasodilators, helping to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

  • Dermorphin and Deltorphin: Potent opioid peptides that can have pain-relieving and mood-enhancing effects.

  • Sauvagine: Affects the adrenal cortex and stimulates the release of hormones like cortisol, which may help manage stress and fatigue.

  • Adenoregulin: Interacts with adenosine receptors in the body, contributing to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

  • Tryptophilins: Neuropeptides that offer promising insights into enhancing neuroplasticity, mood regulation and combating neuroinflammation

The experience often induces intense physical reactions, which can include vomiting, sweating, diarrhea and increased heart rate which are seen as part of a purging or cleansing process, releasing toxins and restoring balance to the body.

Kambô is a powerful and natural method to restore and strengthen the body’s ability to heal itself.

How It Works:

Spiritual and Cultural Significance

In the indigenous context, Kambô is far more than just a physical remedy - it is a sacred ritual that involves deep spiritual significance. The tribes believe that Kambô carries the spirit of the frog and when a person undergoes the ceremony, they are tapping into the wisdom and healing powers of nature.

Kambô is often performed as part of a spiritual ceremony led by a shaman or experienced practitioner, who guides participants through the process, often invoking prayers, chants or sacred rituals to honor the spirit of the frog and the natural world. Participants seek not only physical healing but also emotional and spiritual cleansing, aiming to remove negative energies, restore clarity, and realign with nature.

For these communities, the use of Kambô is deeply tied to their relationship with the land, animals and their cultural heritage, symbolizing a harmonious balance between humans and the environment.

I honor and respect their traditions and work closely with indigenous families in the rainforest.

For these communities, the use of Kambô is deeply tied to their relationship with the land, animals and their cultural heritage, symbolizing a harmonious balance between humans and the environment.

Benefits & Uses

Physical Health Benefits

Immune system support: Kambô contains a variety of bioactive peptides that stimulate the immune system. People who have experienced Kambô sessions often report feeling healthier and less susceptible to infections afterwards. The peptides activate the body’s natural defenses, promoting immune regulation and increased resilience.

Detoxification: Kambô is often described as a purgative therapy. One of the immediate effects of the session often include vomiting or bowel evacuation, which is seen as a form of cleansing and detoxification. Practitioners believe that these processes help the body get rid of toxins, particularly those accumulated from poor diet, environmental pollution or prolonged stress.

Pain Relief: Some peptides in Kambô are known for their analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. Studies have shown that Kambô may help alleviate chronic pain conditions. By interacting with pain receptors in the brain, these peptides could potentially provide relief from ailments like migraines, muscle pain or inflammation.

Mental & Emotional Health Benefits

Mental Clarity: After a Kambô session, many clients report a heightened sense of mental clarity, focus and alertness. This is often described as a "reset," where the mind feels clearer, free of clutter and better able to make decisions or handle challenges.

Anxiety and Stress Relief: While Kambô is not recognized as a treatment for anxiety or depression in conventional western medicine, anecdotal reports suggest that it may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression and chronic stress. Some believe that the intense physical purging also leads to emotional detoxification, providing a sense of release from pent-up emotional energy.

Emotional Release: Many individuals who undergo Kambô describe emotional breakthroughs during or after the session. These may manifest as a release of stored emotions like grief, anger or sadness, leading to a greater sense of emotional balance and peace.

Enhance your physical, mental & spiritual well-being with Kambo’s powerful healing peptides. Ethically sourced and administered with deep respect for its indigenous traditions.


It was my first experience with Kambo and Rapé. However, I felt so called when I saw the post. On the day of the ceremony, I was very nervous, but Sina completely eased my anxiety with her warm and loving presence. She explained exactly how she applies the wonderful frog medicine, and Womb Kambo was a very gentle method. The entire day was marked by a deep connection with myself and all the sisters; I felt so supported and accepted! I was able to let go of much in a space full of healing and love. Thank you, Sina, for your wonderful work!! Aho 💜


You are a very open and warm-hearted person. Everything you explained and did was very authentic. All questions, including some personal ones, were answered thoroughly. This made me feel very comfortable and safe with you. You lovingly supported me on my journey. I especially found your singing wonderful during the process. I also appreciated that everything proceeded without time pressure, allowing enough time for recovery. The lovingly prepared fruit platter greatly contributed to my healing.


Is Kambô safe?

Kambô is generally considered safe when administered by a trained practitioner. However, it is not recommended for everybody as there are certain contraindications. A trained and qualified practitioner should always ask about your personal health history beforehand to make sure that you are safe to sit with Kambô.

How do I book a Kambô session?

Send an email to info@kambomedisina.com to book with me. If you plan to book with another practitioner please ensure to complete any required health screenings or consultations beforehand for your own safety!

What should I do after a Kambô session?

Rest and hydration are important after the session. You might want to take some electrolytes afterwards and keep your food intake light and healthy. Some people may feel tired or benefit from taking time for self-care, so I advice my clients to not plan anything after a Kambô treatment, especially no work, in order to decide afterwards what your body might need.

Is Kambo a venom?

Kambo is neither a poison or venom. The frog produces an antibacterial coating that helps it stay moist. This secretion is full of bioactive peptides that the human body recognizes and activates our bodies own healing abilities.

Who should not take Kambô?

People with severe heart conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with severe mental health issues and those on certain medications should avoid Kambô. It is important to consult with a qualified practitioner before a session.

What if I’m afraid to purge and want to experience Kambô without throwing up?

Nobody really likes throwing up. However, the purge with Kambô is not comparable to vomiting from sickness or alcohol poisoning. It’s very different and the water intake up front helps to relief us of the purge which can often feel liberating. There is also a method (womb/dry Kambô) where it’s possible to experience Kambô without having a purging process.

What exactly is the purge made of?

The purge is usually a mix of water, bile and stomach acids. Beware of practitioners trying to read your purge, as there are no scientific studies on what the purge actually is other than that.

How many sessions of Kambô do I need?

This varies based on individual goals and health conditions. Some people do Kambô once and get exactly what they need while others do multiple sessions in a short period of time. I always suggest to start with one session to see how it goes for you and decide from there wether you’d like to do another one or not. Listen to the call and your own intuition.

Is Kambô legal?

In Germany it is legal but the legality of Kambô in general varies by country. In many places, Kambô is unregulated but allowed when administered by a practitioner. It is completely banned in Australia.

How is Kambô applied?

Small superficial burns are made on the surface layer of the skin, then the frog secretion is applied to these points and go into the body through the lymphatic system.

Is Kambô the same as Ayahuasca or other plant medicines?

No, Kambô is different from Ayahuasca and other plant medicines. Unlike Ayahuasca, which induces visions and psychoactive effects, Kambô does not have psychedelic properties. However, both are used by some for healing and personal growth.

Will I experience hallucinations or altered states of consciousness?

No, Kambô does not cause hallucinations or psychedelic experiences. While some people may have a heightened sense of awareness or deep emotional release, it is not psychoactive like Ayahuasca or other plant medicines. Yet, sometimes messages or insights are received during ceremony in forms of thoughts or feelings.

Is Kambô sustainable for the environment?

Ethical harvesting of Kambô can be sustainable, especially when traditional methods are used to protect the frogs and their habitat. However, it’s essential to choose practitioners who source Kambô responsibly to avoid harm to frog populations.

How often should I do Kambô?

The frequency of Kambô sessions varies. Some people do it once or twice a year, while others may participate in a series of sessions over a short period of time (for example the warrior cycle which means 3 treatments in one month). It depends on individual needs and guidance from your practitioner.

Is Kambô safe for the frogs?

Ethical Kambô practitioners harvest the secretion without harming the frogs, following traditional methods that allow them to return safely to their environment.

How should I prepare for a Kambô ceremony?

Preparation includes fasting for several hours before the session, avoiding alcohol, drugs, caffeine and certain foods or medications among others. Hydration is essential, but specific guidelines should be provided by your practitioner. It’s important to keep salt included in your diet the days leading up to Kambô to avoid hyponatremia.

How quickly can I expect to see the benefits of Kambô?

Some people experience benefits immediately, such as increased energy or mental clarity, while others may feel improvements over time. The effects of Kambô can vary greatly from person to person and are different each and every time.

Can Kambô help with specific health conditions?

While Kambô has been reported to help with conditions like chronic pain, fatigue and depression, it is not a cure for all. It’s important to approach Kambô as a complementary therapy and consult with healthcare providers for serious medical conditions.

How can I ensure the Kambô I’m using is ethically sourced?

Ask your practitioner about their sourcing methods. Ethical practitioners work directly with indigenous communities and use techniques that do not harm the frogs or their environment.

How is Kambô contributing to indigenous communities?

Some practitioners work directly with indigenous communities, ensuring that the use of Kambô supports the people and traditions of the Amazon. This can include fair compensation and support for cultural preservation.

Does Kambô hurt?

Although Kambo can be uncomfortable, it is usually not painful. Depending on which part of the cycle a woman is in, cramps in the abdomen and uterine area may occur, which are due to the peptides in Kambo that cause muscle contractions. For this reason, I advise against taking Kambo in the first few days of your period to avoid increased pain during your session.