My Offerings

Regular Kambô treatment

When you first hear the call to work with Kambô medicine and have gotten in contact with me, successfully filled out my health questionnaire and finished the extensive anamnesis via phone call we will schedule an appointment for your first session. For the first treatment I usually recommend a regular Kambô ceremony in a traditional way. That means, that we will work either on your arm or your leg. After choosing the right spot for your treatment, opening the space and and making the gates, you’ll be advised to drink 1 1/2 to 2 liters of water within a timeframe of 15 minutes. After that I will guide you with shamanic instruments, and singing through your experience with the frog for about 20-30 minute before you can take all the time you need to rest, while I prepare a nourishing meal and tea for your well being and recovery. The full treatment, from start to end will take about 2-3 hours in total

Auricular Kambô

Each part of the ear relates to an organ, function or part of the body, which is why the ears are often called a microcosm of the body. Similar to acupuncture, specific points in the ears will be used to target certain areas or organs in the body.

Lunar cycle treatment:

AKA warrior cleanse ( 3 treatments in 1 month)

The warrior cycle, also known as:

• lunar cycle

• warrior cleanse

• kambo inoculation

• warrior trifecta

& many other names, mean a series of 3 Kambô treatments within one month, approximately 28 days.

By sitting with the medicine in this way you’re able to shift deep emotional, physical or mental blockages and further your healing, as healing happens in layers and with each time you sit with Kambô, especially in a shorter amount of time, you can dig deeper and heal another layer of blockages, traumata and/or pain.

I always leave it open to my clients to decide for the triple treatment, so that you can see what one session with kambo does for you first and decide later wether you would like to go deeper or leave it at that for the moment without any pressure.

Meridian treatment

Meridians are considered internal energy pathways running through the body and energetically connecting the organs according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In this treatment we combine specific Meridian points with the use of Kambô on these points to target specific organs.

Intensive treatment

An intensive treatment is a series of daily or bi-daily treatments in 1-3 weeks and is used for serious health conditions (in example: cancer or severe depression), chronic health conditions (chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid conditions, arthritis, migraine, rheumatism) or as an additional treatment after chemo, virus, infections, viral conditions, severe fungal conditions or addiction.

Layered Treatment

In a regular Kambô treatment, all of the points are placed at the same time, but in this type of treatment, the Kambo secretion will be put on point by point. This is recommended for people who are fragile or elderly, feeling very anxious, missing organs, or tend towards dizziness, among others. It is a slower approach to introducing the medicine into your body and also allows you to find your natural purging point. During our personal consultation, we can discuss if this method is a good fit for you.

Womb / Dry Kambô ceremony

The first step in this process is that I do an energetical scan on you, which happens without touching. I will intuitively find two areas I suggest to work on. If that resonates with you, I will make only two gates that we’re going to work on the whole session. I will apply slowly a 1/4 to 1/2 a dot at a time on one gate in turns. This method will allow you to go on a deep inward journey and is a whole different approach compared to a regular treatment. This beautiful journey will take you, laying down comfortably in a cosy nest, on a deep meditative journey - often back to your childhood, the safe womb of your mother or back into your heart space. You might even fall asleep in this process full of stillness and abundance. There’s no purge and need for water consumption beforehand. I will hold space for you as long as your journey might take, usually between 2-4 hours.

Chakra treatment

A Kambô chakra treatment is a specialized approach that works with the body's energy centers, or chakras, to restore balance and harmony. In a healthy system, energy flows smoothly and the chakras remain in equilibrium. When a chakra becomes blocked (similar to a blocked artery) this disrupts the flow of energy, leading to physical or emotional imbalances. The aim of a Kambô chakra treatment is to clear these blockages, promoting deeper alignment and overall well-being for the individual client.

How does Kambô work?

Kambô works on a cellular level by introducing its bioactive peptides into the body, which interact with various receptors in the brain, muscles and immune system initiating a series of physiological responses.

The most immediate effects include increased heart rate through vasodilation, sweating, crying, laughing, nausea and vomiting or diarrhea, as the body rapidly begins detoxifying. This purging process can eliminate toxins, heavy metals, medication residue and other harmful substances from the cells and organs like liver, intestines and digestive system. I always say that Kambô works like a high-pressure cleaner going through your body to eliminate all the things in your system you no longer need. The powerful peptides also have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, which can help reduce pain, fight infections and improve overall immune function of the body. Additionally, Kambô stimulates the adrenal glands, triggering a fight-or-flight response that boosts energy, sharpens focus and can lead to a heightened sense of clarity and well-being after the session.

To learn more about Kambo click here

Other medicines and practices that I work with …

Rapé and Sananga.

Other medicines that I work with are Rapé and Sananga. Both are sacred indigenous medicines from the Amazon as well that I use either before or after and sometimes during a kambo ceremony.

Rapé (pronounced ha-peh) is a sacred plant medicine used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest. This powerful, finely ground powder is made from a blend of a wild, natural tobacco called Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) and other medicinal plants, carefully prepared and ceremonial administered through the nose. Traditionally, rapé is used to clear the mind, sharpen focus and facilitate spiritual healing and connection. It is believed to cleanse energies, open spiritual channels and bring clarity to emotions and thoughts. As a natural tool for grounding and meditation, rapé helps align the body, mind, and spirit with a deeper sense of purpose and balance. It is important to work intentionally with this medicine, to connect with the powerful spirit of tobacco in prayer and gratitude and set a personal intention before blowing it in the nostrils.

Sananga is a potent plant medicine derived from the roots and bark of the Tabernaemontana shrub, traditionally used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Applied as eye drops, Sananga is known for its powerful cleansing and healing properties, both physically and spiritually. It is believed to sharpen vision, not only in the physical sense but also in the energetic and emotional realms, helping individuals gain clarity and insight into their life's path. Sananga is often used in ceremonies to clear negative energies, enhance focus, and deepen spiritual connection, promoting overall balance and well-being. For me it is one of the best teachers to learn how to surrender fully. In the beginning it can often be uncomfortable as a burning sensation arises, but the more we focus on our breath and surrender to the sensations the more it helps us align energetically and physically in our bodies, as Sananga can cleanse our bodies, mind and spirits.


As a level 2 reiki practitioner I also offer energy healing sessions that help you connect with the life force energy, also known as Ki or prana. Reiki services are designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress and facilitate healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Through gentle, hands-on energy work, I channel universal life force energy to help clear blockages and restore balance within your body's energy system. Each session is providing a peaceful and nurturing environment for deep healing and personal transformation and are here to support your journey toward holistic health and harmony.

My Space

My ceremony space is a peaceful, welcoming environment within the comfort of my home, thoughtfully designed to support deep healing and personal transformation for you. It offers a safe and intimate atmosphere, where you can relax and feel fully supported on your journey with Kambô. Whether you seek emotional release, physical cleansing, or spiritual insight, this sacred space provides the calm and nurturing environment you need to reconnect with yourself and your intentions for healing.

Enhance your physical, mental & spiritual well-being with Kambô’s powerful healing peptides. Ethically sourced and administered with deep respect for its indigenous traditions.

It was an overall very exciting, thrilling experience, and I'm glad I did it. Not least because I felt very safe and comfortable with you. Somehow, you knew what to say and do to make me feel good. In general, it was also muuuch less intense than I had expected beforehand or had read from others. Right now, I feel super proud, but also somehow purer and more confident regarding my inner unrest. Kambo has given me confidence that my body can handle quite a bit. I can very well imagine repeating this - especially now that I know nothing bad happens, and I can approach it with more calmness. I truly thank you so much for giving me the courage to do this through you “ - Vanessa

Sina opens, holds and closes the ceremonial space with great authenticity. I felt completely comfortable, seen and accepted. Throughout the entire process, Sina is very attentive, provides the right guidance and offers support. An absolute heartfelt recommendation to work with her!“ - Igor

I visited Sina and immediately felt comfortable and, most importantly, safe. Actually, even before that, through writing and talking on the phone :) !! Such a beautiful, warm, and empathetic soul. As for my Kambo experience, I’d prefer to keep it to myself because I don’t want to influence anyone else’s journey. That’s exactly what it is—a deeply personal experience. What I can and want to say is that it was an incredibly important experience for me, one that I definitely want to repeat, even though the session itself isn’t exactly pleasant. However, I felt right afterward how valuable this process was and how it will continue to integrate into my life. I’m so incredibly grateful for it and look forward to the next 🐸 journey.“- Lorena

Are you ready to begin your journey with Kambô

For more information about Kambô medicine, to schedule a session or inquire about any of my services, feel free to reach out. I’m here to answer your questions and guide you through the healing process.


Is Kambô safe?

Kambô is generally considered safe when administered by a trained practitioner. However, it is not recommended for everybody as there are certain contraindications. A trained and qualified practitioner should always ask about your personal health history beforehand to make sure that you are safe to sit with Kambô.

How do I book a Kambô session?

Send an email to to book with me. If you plan to book with another practitioner please ensure to complete any required health screenings or consultations beforehand for your own safety!

What should I do after a Kambô session?

Rest and hydration are important after the session. You might want to take some electrolytes afterwards and keep your food intake light and healthy. Some people may feel tired or benefit from taking time for self-care, so I advice my clients to not plan anything after a Kambô treatment, especially no work, in order to decide afterwards what your body might need.

Who should not take Kambô?

People with heart conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with severe mental health issues and those on certain medications should avoid Kambô. It is important to consult with a qualified practitioner before a session.

What if I’m afraid to purge and want to experience Kambô without throwing up?

Nobody really likes throwing up. However, the purge with Kambô is not comparable to vomiting from sickness or alcohol poisoning. It’s very different and the water intake up front helps to relief us of the purge which can often feel liberating. There is also a method (womb/dry Kambô) where it’s possible to experience Kambô without having a purging process.

What exactly is the purge made of?

The purge is usually a mix of water, bile and stomach acids. Beware of practitioners trying to read your purge, as there are no scientific studies on what the purge actually is other than that.

What is Kambô integration and why is it important?

Integration refers to the process of reflecting on your experience after a Kambô ceremony and applying any insights or lessons to your life. Many people find that journaling, meditation, or ongoing therapy can help with integration.

How many sessions of Kambô do I need?

This varies based on individual goals and health conditions. Some people do Kambô once and get exactly what they need while others do multiple sessions in a short period of time. I always suggest to start with one session to see how it goes for you and decide from there wether you’d like to do another one or integrate the experience first. Usually you feel it clearly wether you need another session or not after your experience. Listen to the call and your own intuition.

Is Kambô legal?

In Germany it is legal but the legality of Kambô in general varies by country. In many places, Kambô is unregulated but allowed when administered by a practitioner. It is completely banned in Australia.

How is Kambô applied?

Small superficial burns are made on the surface layer of the skin, then the frog secretion is applied to these points and go into the body through the lymphatic system.

Is Kambô the same as Ayahuasca or other plant medicines?

No, Kambô is different from Ayahuasca and other plant medicines. Unlike Ayahuasca, which induces visions and psychoactive effects, Kambô does not have psychedelic properties. However, both are used by some for healing and personal growth.

Will I experience hallucinations or altered states of consciousness?

No, Kambô does not cause hallucinations or psychedelic experiences. While some people may have a heightened sense of awareness or deep emotional release, it is not psychoactive like Ayahuasca or other plant medicines. Yet, sometimes messages or insights are received during ceremony in forms of thoughts or feelings.

Is Kambô sustainable for the environment?

Ethical harvesting of Kambô can be sustainable, especially when traditional methods are used to protect the frogs and their habitat. However, it’s essential to choose practitioners who source Kambô responsibly to avoid harm to frog populations.

How often should I do Kambô?

The frequency of Kambô sessions varies. Some people do it once or twice a year, while others may participate in a series of sessions over a short period of time (for example the warrior cycle which means 3 treatments in one month). It depends on individual needs and guidance from your practitioner.

Is Kambô safe for the frogs??

Ethical Kambô practitioners harvest the secretion without harming the frogs, following traditional methods that allow them to return safely to their environment.

How should I prepare for a Kambô ceremony?

Preparation includes fasting for several hours before the session, avoiding alcohol, drugs, caffeine and certain foods or medications among others. Hydration is essential, but specific guidelines should be provided by the practitioner. It’s important to keep salt included in your diet the days leading up to Kambô to avoid hyponatremia.

How quickly can I expect to see the benefits of Kambô?

Some people experience benefits immediately, such as increased energy or mental clarity, while others may feel improvements over time. The effects of Kambô can vary greatly from person to person and are different each and every time.

Can Kambô help with specific health conditions?

While Kambô has been reported to help with conditions like chronic pain, fatigue and depression, it is not a cure for all. It’s important to approach Kambô as a complementary therapy and consult with healthcare providers for serious medical conditions.

How can I ensure the Kambô I’m using is ethically sourced?

Ask your practitioner about their sourcing methods. Ethical practitioners work directly with indigenous communities and use techniques that do not harm the frogs or their environment.

How is Kambô contributing to indigenous communities?

Some practitioners work directly with indigenous communities, ensuring that the use of Kambô supports the people and traditions of the Amazon. This can include fair compensation and support for cultural preservation.

Does Kambô hurt?

Kambo can be uncomfortable but it usually isn’t very pain- or hurtful, besides some cramping in the abdomen or womb area.

Disclaimer: The services provided on this website, including Kambô ceremonies, do not constitute medical treatment or therapy under German law. Kambô is not recognized as a medical treatment within the framework of conventional medicine in Germany. Most facilitators/practitioners offering these services are not licensed medical professionals and they do not possess any formal medical or psychological qualifications as defined by German medical standards.

The information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Participants are encouraged to consult with a licensed healthcare provider before participating in any Kambô ceremony, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication.

By choosing to participate in a Kambô ceremony, you acknowledge and agree that you are doing so voluntarily and any outcomes are your personal responsibility. The practitioner is not liable for any adverse effects or complications that may arise.

Please note that Kambô is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.