Welcome to my website!

It is a true blessing to have you join my community of frog enthusiasts & Kambô warriors. Here, I honor your journey and provide a safe space where your mind, body & soul can flourish. Embrace the path to holistic health with me & let your light shine brightly.

My mission is to guide you safely on your healing journey together with my ally Kambô. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, enhance mental well-being, heal emotional trauma, or embrace a more holistic lifestyle, I’m here to help you every step of the way and am dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey, helping you unlock your full potential with the profound benefits of this traditional medicine from the Amazonian jungle. Join me in exploring the powerful effects of Kambô frog medicine and embark on a path to holistic health and inner peace with me. Viva!

Let me introduce myself …

My name is Sina and I’m (among many other things) a certified advanced Kambô practitioner for the International Association of Kambô Practitioners (IAKP).

To hold space for people wanting to heal themselves with the help of the secretion from the giant leaf frog Phyllomedusa bicolor, also known as the Kambô frog, is my greatest blessing and biggest honor!

Enhance your physical, mental & spiritual well-being with Kambô’s powerful healing peptides. Ethically sourced and administered with deep respect for its indigenous traditions.

As a certified Kambô practitioner and dedicated space holder, I offer personalized Kambô treatments that are conducted with utmost care, respect and adherence to traditional practices. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, providing a safe and supportive environment for detoxification, emotional release and spiritual growth. I also provide pre- and post-ceremony consultations to ensure you are fully prepared and supported throughout your journey with Kambô. Whether you are seeking physical wellness, emotional balance or spiritual enlightenment, my practice is dedicated to helping you achieve a profound sense of well-being and transformation.

What is most important for me in my ceremonies is SAFETY! I want you to feel secure at all times. Therefor I make sure to get to know your personal health history beforehand, talk to you about your intentions regarding the experience with the medicine and do everything in my power, so that you can feel comfortable and protected at all times. I hold the space for you to connect with the frog medicine and simply be, no matter what that looks like in that moment. You are your own healer and I’d like to provide a safe container for you to find that inside of you, together with the power of Kambô.

I wanted to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your courage to walk the medicine path. I felt very comfortable and safe in your presence. It was an honor for me to be the first person receiving kambo from you after your practitioner training. Your instructions were very clear and you supported me through my ceremony with lots of love, which allowed me to completely and fully surrender to the medicine. I’ve been crossing paths with the spirit of Kambô for a few years now, but this was the absolute perfect timing. Thank you for holding such a powerful, loving and free space. You do what you do with full passion of your heart. What I also find fascinating is that since I did the ceremony at my own home I’ve cleared things that concerned my whole little family. Thank you Medisina, thank you pachamama, thank you Kambosito! “ - Chris

Wow - I really wanted to write this to you. I still remember exactly how you said to me: "It takes a few days for it to really sink in, the medicine shows what it has done for you," and I felt it so deeply. Thursday was my last day in the clinic and the ceremony came at just the right time. Love is flowing again; my heart feels so open and so clear. I feel the love for myself so deeply, and I haven't felt this way in three years, without any intoxication, without other aids. I simply feel so profoundly cleansed and connected to the Earth, to the Spirit, and to love. I feel happiness and gratitude so gently, so precious. So, this is how I'm doing: I feel the sun within me; I feel my own radiance! Even though there's a lot to process externally, I feel grounded and in the moment. It has unfolded so beautifully, and my heart is speaking to me. Viva Kambo, Viva Medicine - Viva MEDISINA. I'm already looking forward so much to our next ceremony.“ - Pia

Other medicines and practices that I work with …

Other medicines that I work with are Rapé and Sananga. Both are sacred indigenous medicines from the Amazon as well that I use either before or after and sometimes during a kambo ceremony.

Rapé (pronounced ha-peh) is a sacred plant medicine used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest. This powerful, finely ground powder is made from a blend of a wild, natural tobacco called Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) and other medicinal plants, carefully prepared and ceremonial administered through the nose.

Sananga is a potent plant medicine derived from the roots and bark of the Tabernaemontana shrub, traditionally used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Applied as eye drops, Sananga is known for its powerful cleansing and healing properties, both physically and spiritually.

Click here for more information on Rape & Sananga

As a level 2 reiki practitioner I also offer energy healing sessions that help you connect with the life force energy, also known as Ki or prana. Reiki services are designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress and facilitate healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Through gentle, hands-on energy work, I channel universal life force energy to help clear blockages and restore balance within your body's energy system. Each session is providing a peaceful and nurturing environment for deep healing and personal transformation and are here to support your journey toward holistic health and harmony.

The Legend of Kampu

Long, long time ago, when the forest was still untouched and there were no greedy corporations cutting down the rainforest, poisoning the rivers, selfishly plundering its treasures, and enslaving the indigenous, humans lived in harmony with their environment and the laws of Mother Nature. They took from the forest only what they needed for daily life. They treated everything with great respect and reverence because they knew they were a part of the forest, and every tree, plant, stone, and river was imbued with life. The trees, plants and animals were their ancestors and revered teachers.

One day, the people of the tribe fell severely ill. Kampu, the village Pajé (Portuguese for shaman or medicine man), did everything in his power to help his people. But no ritual, no magic potion, no brew, no ash, no known remedy could ward off the illness. So, the shaman withdrew deep into the forest for several days, fasting, brewing and drinking the sacred Ayahuasca to seek guidance from the spirits of the ancestors.

In an inner vision, the „Mother of the Forest“ appeared to him. In her hands, she held a frog. She showed the Pajé where to find the frog, how to „milk“ its secretion, and how to use this frog medicine. The shaman first applied the knowledge given to him through Ayahuasca to heal himself. Then he returned to his tribe and began to treat the children, women, and men with the frog secretion. Gradually, his sisters and brothers regained their health. From then on, he was revered by his people as Pajé Kampu.

Over the years, the shaman and his healing knowledge became known in other communities and villages. It is said that when the shaman was very old and near the end of his life, he said: “I will help heal diseases” and then transferred his shamanic power and healing knowledge to the frog so that he could continue to serve as a healer for future generations. Since then, the frog has been named after the shaman. And so, to this day, the spirit of Pajé Kampu continues to work in the healing work with the secretion of the Kambo frog.

Photo Artist: Nico Rosenfeld

Disclaimer: The services provided on this website, including Kambô ceremonies, do not constitute medical treatment or therapy under German law. Kambô is not recognized as a medical treatment within the framework of conventional medicine in Germany. Most facilitators/practitioners offering these services are not licensed medical professionals and they do not possess any formal medical or psychological qualifications as defined by German medical standards.

The information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Participants are encouraged to consult with a licensed healthcare provider before participating in any Kambô ceremony, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication.

By choosing to participate in a Kambô ceremony, you acknowledge and agree that you are doing so voluntarily and any outcomes are your personal responsibility. The practitioner is not liable for any adverse effects or complications that may arise.

Please note that Kambô is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.